Well, now that you know all about Rock Island and the Quad Cities, it's time to get to the really fun stuff - the food!
Here are the non-reunion specific places I visited on this trip:
Happy Joe's Pizza & Ice Cream
(30th St & 14th Ave, Rock Island)
Happy Joe's is probably my most favorite place to eat when I'm visiting the QC. Not only do I love the pizza, I also love the fact that I used to work there. During my time there I was a delivery driver, a pizza maker, a dough-man, even the cleaning guy at one point.
It's great to go at lunch on a weekday because you can sample all types of pizza from the buffet, but for this trip I ordered a whole pizza. I had them do half Happy Joe's special (canadian bacon & sauerkraut) and half taco (my favorite). Happy Joe's claims to have originated this (and maybe they did,) but all I know is that it is d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!

Pizza and Subs
(Blackhawk Road at 38th St, Rock Island)
They call themselves "Home of the calZONE" and they don't lie. It's hard to describe just how good this is... the meat-cheese-crust ratio is perfect, and when topped with sauce - ouch! These days they have over a dozen specialty calzones, with half-a-dozen sauces, but I'm old school and can't tear myself away from the original.

Rudy's Tacos
(18th Ave @ 28th St, Rock Island)
When I think of Rudy's, one thing comes to mind - CHEESE! No matter what you order, it's covered with cheese (and cheese grease). It's somehow disgusting and wonderful at the same time. This visit, I brought an order of beef & bean burritos (w/hot sauce!) home - they were great.

Ross' Restaurant
(under the I-74 bridge, Bettendorf, IA)
Ok, if you're at all sensitive to over-the-top food ridiculousness, SKIP THIS SECTION. But, if you have a strong stomach, I will introduce you to the "magic" that is Ross'. This 24 hour truck stop is a must at 3:00am. Their signature, the Magic Mountain, is a dish beyond compare - only topped by it's more ridiculous cousin, the Volcano. No picture will do it justice, so just imagine... texas toast, loose meat, french fries, cheese sauce, chili, chopped onions (the chili is what changes the mountain into a volcano.) Many joke that the name is more of a prophecy than a description, but it works for me.
Rock Island Arsenal Golf Club
Located on a 946-acre island in the Mississippi River, this country club shares real estate with the Rock Island Arsenal Garrison, an active US Army facility. The weather was beautiful, and lunch (seafood gumbo and a blackened grouper sandwich) on the veranda of the clubhouse was fantastic.
Whitey's Ice Cream
(16th St. Moline)
Yes, the name is almost offensive, but the ice cream is anything but! Named “Best in the Midwest” by Midwest Living Magazine, this chain is known for shakes thick enough to stay in the cup when turned upside down. Everyone has their favorite, but this time I went for mint chocolate chip with vanilla flavoring. YUM!

Believe it or not, I didn't explode after all of this. And unfortunatly, I didn't have a chance to get to Harris Pizza or Jim's Rib Haven this trip - each of them worth a trip home themselves.
NEXT UP: Part 3 - reunited and it feels so good! (coming soon)