Sunday, March 09, 2008

Marathon Training - Week 4 (part 2)

Instead of having our regular group training session yesterday, the coaches suggested we participate in the New York Colon Cancer Challenge that was held this morning in Central Park (read more about it.) There was a 4 mile race and a 15K - I did the 4 mile one and it was a lot of fun (but REALLY cold.) I finished in under 36 min and I was happy about how I ran. I didn't start off too fast, just ran the first couple miles at a really easy pace, and then sped up for the last two. I tried to think about my pacing, my stride, my arm swings and I made sure to get some water at every station just like the coaches asked. Oh, and the coolest thing about it (besides simply running with thousands of people in beautiful Central Park on a cold Sunday morning) was that they had bagels for us at the end of the race! Yum!

Now I'm off to buy a yoga mat, hopefully that will get me more motivated to stretch!

If you want to read what this is all about, click here for details.
Also, please visit my fundraising page to make a donation or see how close I am to my $4900 goal to help fight cancer.

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