Monday, August 06, 2007

Weekend in the Hamptons

I did a REAL New York thing this weekend and went out to the Hamptons for some luxurious relaxing with friends. It was a lovely time and I especially want to thank Jim, our host, for inviting not only me & Tom, but the dogs as well!

Highlights include watching the dogs run around the backyard, seeing the Perseid meteor shower, spending time with some really wonderful people, and... of course... the eating!

Here's a rundown of the meals:

Friday night
We arrived around 9:30 and the guys had lobster rolls, salad, corn on the cob and a bottle of wine waiting for us all! (How great is that - come on!)

Saturday morning
We had a couple snack sessions. First, some lox & cream cheese on toasted bread. Second, I made myself a plate of fridge leftovers: chicken salad & lobster salad - yum!

Saturday afternoon
Rotisserie chicken (from the I.G.A.), pasta salad & a green salad. So good.

Saturday night
This was the big meal - the lobster boil! We did whole lobsters for everyone, corn on the cob, a green salad & garlic bread (plus wine & other drinks, of course). It was awesome - you can see some prep pictures in the slide-show I put together below.

Sunday morning
Tom made scrambled eggs & cooked up some prosciutto while Colleen went shopping with a friend and picked up some bagels, cream cheeses, muffins & fruits. It was all perfect.

Sadly, it all had to end, but I put together a slide-show (sans comments this time) to help keep the memories - enjoy!

(just click on the photo above or cut & paste the link below into a browser to visit the slide show)

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