Friday, March 30, 2007

Food & Racism

Today's New York Times article "Uncle Ben, Board Chairman" caught my eye :
The racially charged symbol for Uncle Ben's rice products is taking center stage in a new campaign that makes him chairman of the company.

Well, isn't that interesting. Honestly, the whole thing is kind of bizarre to me. On one hand, Uncle Ben was certainly not created to represent a business man and it seems a little revisionist history-ish to make him one now. On the other hand, he's not a real person - he's a mascot, or a slogan - of course he needs to be updated if he's at all offensive. And, it obviously isn't the first time that a racially or ethnically insulting character has been taken out of rotation. Gone are Little Black Sambo, Chief Illiniwek, and the "Ancient Chinese secret, huh?" to name a few of my favorites.

But... (and here's where I may be offensive)

Where's the fun in buying rice from a CEO? How stupid is that? I'd rather they just get rid of it altogether and not try to fool us with a new coat of paint. For example, I saw this referenced in the article and couldn't help but do a little web-digging...

Original (fun)------------------------------>Revised (stupid)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Original (fun)------------------------------>Revised (stupid)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

In any case, I don't buy Uncle Ben's, or Mr. Ben's, or (just) Ben's rice regardless - so I really don't care. It's just fun to rant a little (and to find racist pictures of fruit with buck teeth!)

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